Recycling servicesLes sèrvices d’èrcycliéthie

Recycling collection days

Your recycling is collected every fortnight on the same day as your refuse collection.

Search for and select your road name below to show your collection days.

Next Refuse Collection
Next Recycling Collection
Note: Collections tend to continue as normal on bank holidays, aside from over Christmas. If there are any changes to the schedule a notice will be put out in the Town Crier, across the website and on our social media channels.

Map of Recycling Centres

What can I recycle?

The Parish operates a kerbside recycling scheme. All recyclables are to be split into two bags:

  • Blue bags are for light card, paper, magazines and envelopes
  • Clear bags are for steel tins, aluminium cans and plastic bottles 

What can/ cannot be put in each coloured bag is displayed on the side of the bag.

To find out how you can recycle items that are not included in the kerbside collection please click here. All other waste should be put into your regular refuse bin or taken to the dump at La Collette. We do not collect green waste. 


Please ensure that only items displayed on the side of the recycling bag as recyclable are placed in each bag. Bags that have been obviously contaminated cannot be collected. If you have a contaminated bag, this will need to go in your normal refuse bin.

To guarantee cardboard is collected, please flatten boxes and put them inside a blue recycling bag. Please ensure no food waste goes in either recycling bag. 


The Parish operates various public bring sites throughout St Helier where residents can bring glass for recycling. To view the full list of bring sites please click here.

The Parish also offers a paid for glass collection service for commercial and residential sites (Monday to Friday only) with a minimum collection of one per month. The below prices are based on per bin per collection:

Bin SizeCost
240 litre£18.60 inc. GST
600 litre£22.32 inc. GST
1100 litre£22.32 inc. GST

A one-off collection is also available for £37.20 inc. GST. This is priced per collection rather than per bin. 24 hours written notice is required for any glass collection. 

A Glass Contract and Service Level Agreement are required to run on an annual basis from 1 November to 31 October each year. These are rolling contracts, and one month’s notice is required for cancellation or amendments. 

To arrange for a glass collection please email or call 01534 811708.

Contact us 

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch by emailing or calling 01534 811708.

Frequently Asked Questions